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Lorraine Geraci Tells Her Story Through the Girls from Brooklyn

Author Lorraine Geraci set an intriguing fictional story based on her own real-life experience with recently finding her own birth mother in her new book: Girls from Brooklyn.
In the story, Ms. Geraci takes the reader to secret hidden magical realms, the lives of three unique women from the sixties into today, their lifelong connection and their showing that family is not always blood. Readers will the heroic actions of family and friendships that shaped their journeys. Mystery, adventure, magical powers and the unknowing demon that lies in the magical realm of Brooklyn is a rather enjoyable story on several levels both in the real world and fantasy realm.

Lorraine has been a Learning and Professional Development leader and speaker in the Mortgage and Utility Industries over the last 30 years.Her professional experience has also allowed her to instruct and present to over 15,000 Real Estate and Mortgage professionals nationwide. The art of verbal expression and writing was always part of what she focused on.As a certified professional coach, and novice writer for many years prior, Lorraine finally wrote and published her first book Living A RockStar Life in 2014. This self-help focused book provided advice on getting out of your own way to have the life you want and deserve. She incorporated this thought process into her personal and professional life over the years in Corporate America. In 2023, some major unforeseen life events provided her with the direction and passion to continue her writing crusade and share important stories and lessons.

No Soldier Left Behind: A Chronicle of the Life and the Making of a Truly Selfless and Humble Hero

Book Spectrum is extremely honored to have Gen. John G. Kulhavi on with us to talk about his life and the biography written about hin titled: NO SOLDIER LEFT BEHIND
The phrase “No soldier left behind” has been repeated by many and practiced by true leaders. Author Don Steele offers the reader a look into the life of one of those great leaders: Army Brigadier General John G. Kulhavi in his book titled “NO SOLDIER LEFT BEHIND.”
Often, we hear from military leaders who are now regular pundits on television. General Kulhavi stepped away from a potentially waiting spotlight after serving in Vietnam and rising through the Army ranks to take a quieter path as a financial advisor. There, he altered the history of the financial industry – quietly and humbly – by convincing fellow military man, Morgan Stanley CEO Donald Regan, to go with his idea to employ investment teams rather than individuals to make important decisions for their clients. Through Don Steele, we learn what makes a truly brave, yet humble hero as the author takes the reader back to the General’s influences during his younger days, including from his mother who owned a store in a small Michigan town where they moved. He learned to virtue of selflessness and “no man left behind” from his mother and perhaps from after his dad left the family ,
The biographer keeps sure to describe Gen. Kulhavi’s early life and his having to help lead his family at a young age as important in shaping his leadership and life principles. In the book, we not only learn of the General’s leadership and personal virtues which shaped him, but how he treated opportunities. Steele describes how Gen. Kuhlavi found a life-changing opportunity to join the ROTC while in college, leading to an officer’s commission, his battles, hardships and recovery from his plane being shot down during the Vietnam War and his innovative thought while working within the private sector. Having been close with the General (they were college roommates), Steele brings us not simply a great man and his exploits, but a real look at what made him not only accomplished and a great leader, but also what out of his personal life and experience built his attitude, drive, leadership acumen and humility.  
Those who delve into the General’s life in the book will find there is more to a man than his deeds (whether they are life-changing ones or perhaps small victories) while younger people reading will learn what true leadership is about and perhaps offer someone to whom they can look up and aspire toward.  

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The Transhumanist Quest for Immortality with Dr. David Martorano

Immortality is a long-coveted fantasy of many a fictional supervillain and one which has intrigued many among us. It’s an idea which invokes both wonder and fear, but often sought by those who desire to stay alive for varied reasons. How does one gain immortality? Is modern transhumanist science – combining the powers of tech with one’s human bran and body – the answer? At what cost would one want to become immortal? Would it a gift, curse or perhaps both at the same time? Dr. David Martorano explores the questions from varied points of view while telling a fascinating story in Immortality.
In the book, Dr. Martorano takes the reader to New Babylon, a post-E-pocalypse technology-dominated future world run by artificial intelligence and occupied by the results of humans merging with computers (similar to the vision of today’s transhumanists, some of whom are devising microchips for human brains).
The author’s fictional world has some interesting parallels to our own: The corporate technocrats, the tech-worshippers, those wary of the dangers of a technocracy, anti-tech extremists and many who are caught in the middle.
Dr. Mortorano cleverly balances the positive impacts of alternative intelligence and transhumanist tech with its destructive potential, asking two rather interesting questions: What happens if people lost much of their humanity in exchange for computer-based convenience and could powerful artificial intelligence gain a level of humanity as the two entities interact? He offers perspectives on the latter through an AI named MARTIN, who balances his role in the world and his familiarity with humans. Dr. Martorano takes a rather intriguing look at the world today’s Transhumanists fantasize about through their ambitious lenses. He also looks at the extreme on the other side, which see technological progress as dangerous and, in some cases, evil.
 Readers will both be engulfed by the story and provoked into thought about a question scientists, theologists, philosophers, storytellers, politicians and free-thinkers have asked for decades: Could Artificial Intelligence, as it keeps moving toward its full potential, evolve or destroy humanity?

About Dr. David Martorano:  Dr. Martorano is a visionary board-certified informatician and psychiatrist with a distinguished career in management and clinical care. After completing his medical training at Columbia University and his residency in psychiatry at UCLA’s Neuropsychiatric Institute, Dr. Martorano has dedicated over a decade to advancing clinical services and medical leadership.His expertise spans psychopharmacology, psychotherapy, and addiction treatment. He has honed his skills at prestigious institutions such as UCLA’s Addiction Medicine Clinic, Mood Disorders Clinic, Anxiety Disorders Clinic, and Interpersonal Psychotherapy Clinic. His research background includes groundbreaking work in reproductive neuroendocrinology at the Rockefeller Institute and contributions to electrophysiology and alternative medicine literature.

Host Chris Cordani

Host Chris Cordani

Chris Cordani, host of Book Spectrum, used to love reading the backs and sides of cereal boxes, which led to him soon hearing about this place called the Library. After asking, “The library? What’s going on down there?” he decided to check it out. Years later, he created this podcast.

Through his career, Chris has created, hosted and produced several genres of talk and entertainment radio programs, creating and growing several throughout his career. Among his work, Chris also hosts the internationally-syndicated Revenge of the 80s Radio show, produces two shows airing in the NY-Metro market and worked in several capacities for stations of various formats throughout New York, including longtime talk station WOR. Through his work, Cordani creates content for radio shows and podcasts, books and interviews top newsmakers, leaders and celebrities from varied fields including entertainment, business, current events, politics, sports and history.

On Book Spectrum, we delve into some of the interesting new titles with their writers, peer into their minds, creative process and inspiration for their work.

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