Kristin Casey wrote about her wild and interesting life with her previous book, Rock Monster: My Life with Joe Walsh, but follows up with Casey Dancer: A Memoir About Dating, Stripping, and a Little Hot Yoga , where she reveals more about herself beyond life in the proverbial fast lane.Many people who watch television and read tabloids thing of celebrity girlfriends as one-dimensional arm candy and dancers as paid live window dressing, but rarely see there are real human beings underneath the surface of that their eyes show them.
Ms. Casey offers a look at the real person beyond a pretty face in Casey Dancer. She shows the reader more of her own life, thoughts and inner conflict with herself within what could be considered a follow-up to her first book as much as a sequel to her life.
Kristin goes in-depth about her recovery, dating philosophy, professional struggles, personal vulnerabilities and how they all helped her grow, prosper as well as flourish.

: Kristin is a recovered alcoholic and addict who’s rigorously inventoried her every resentment and relinquished ninety percent of them. She’s survived clinical depression, numerous addictions, the panhandle of Texas, and seventeen years of Catholicism. Her first book, Rock Monster: My Life with Joe Walsh, documents a tumultuous six-year relationship with rock legend and Eagles guitarist Joe Walsh, their drug-fueled train-wreck breakup, and her ensuing suicidal spiral. Her writing has appeared in The Foliate Oak Literary Magazine, The Nervous Breakdown, Please Kill Me, $pread, The Fix, and more. Her expertise resides in addiction, dependency, intimacy, and sexuality, with particular knowledge of the commercial sex industry. She resides in Austin, Texas, where she worked as a certified sexuality counselor, intimacy coach, and IPSA-trained Surrogate Partner. Recently retired, Kristin is now a full-time author of both memoirs and screenplays. Visit her website at

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